

Keeping still


Keeping still



Keeping the back still and quieting the mind.

You go indoors and do not see anyone.

No blame.



Joined mountains.

Keeping still.

A wise man uses thinking that does not extend beyond the present situation.


Keeping still means that if you are doing something, particularly if it is something dangerous, then you should stop. There are times when you should do things but there are also times when you should not do things. This is such a time.
You may be worrying and wondering if you should be doing something. You should keep still and keep your thoughts limited to your immediate situation.
At the moment it is not wrong to stay indoors and not see anyone.





1) 6 at the start

a) Keeping the feet still. No blame.
Continuous perseverance is needed.

b) What is right is not lost.

This could be somebody else who is keeping still and you are wondering why you have not seen them. The feet want to move but it is necessary to keep still and be patient. The perseverance needed, in this case, is in keeping still.


2) 6 in 2nd throw

a) Keeping the calves still.
Cannot rescue those he follows.
His heart is not cheerful.

b) Not refusing to obey.

This means that you have to keep still but you are not altogether happy about it. You may be worried that other people might not keep still or may need your help. It is right to keep still and worrying will not help.


3) 9 in 3rd throw

a) Keeping still to one's limit.
Concentrated in the hips.
Danger. Demons cloud one's mind.

b) The mind is exposed to danger.

This is a strong person who uses their strength to counter-act their inclination to move. Forcing yourself to keep still is a mistake if it is that difficult. The strain of it may affect your judgement or your health. This may be a case of keeping still as in giving something up, perhaps.


4) 6 in 4th throw

a) Keeping himself still. No blame.

b) Stopping the body.

In a time of keeping still it is altogether correct if you know how to restrain yourself at the right time. Sometimes when you should keep still somebody will try to provoke you into moving. It is most important to think carefully before making any move, so avoid being tempted into doing something.


5) 6 in 5th throw

a) Keeping the jaws still.
The words have order.
Remorse disappears.

b) This is correct.

If you only speak when it is necessary to say something, people take notice of what you say. You should also be able to recognise those times when it is best to keep your mouth shut.


6) 9 at the top

a) Noble-hearted keeping still.
Good fortune.

b) There is an ample end.

If you are tranquil and calm in the face of many disappointments then the difficulties are kept to a minimum and the disappointments may be only temporary.